![]() Function: PhD student Main Research Unit: LMV – -OPGC – LPC E-mail: |
For her PhD thesis within ClerVolc (2012 to 2015), Angélie worked on the multi-method geophysical imaging of a the Puy de Dôme lava dome, located in the Chaîne des Puys volcanic field. This volcano had been selected as an experimental site for the muography technique being developed within the ClerVolc consortium as part of the TOMUVOL project. The main objective of the PhD was to provide a precise geological model of the internal structure of this dome. For that, several geophysical surveys were performed under the supervision of Jean-François Lénat and Philippe Labazuy: Electrical Resistivity Tomography, gravity and magnetic measurements, self-potential.
430. Barnoud A., Cayol V., Lelièvre P.G., Portal A., Labazuy P., Boivin P., Gailler L. (2021). Robust Bayesian Joint Inversion of Gravimetric and Muographic Data for the Density Imaging of the Puy de Dôme Volcano (France). Frontiers in Earth Science vol.8, p.575842, DOI:10.3389/feart.2020.575842 .
308. Portal A., Fargier Y., Labazuy P., Lénat J.F., Boivin P., Miallier D. (2018). 3D electrical imaging of the inner structure of a complex lava dome, Puy de Dôme volcano (French Massif Central, France). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.373, p.97-107, DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.01.019.
181. Portal A., Gailler L., Labazuy P., Lénat J.F. (2016). Geophysical imaging of the inner structure of a lava dome and its environment through gravimetry and magnetism. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol.320, p.88-99, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.04.012.
138. Ambrosino F., Anastasio A., Bross A., Béné S., Boivin P., Bonechi L., Cârloganu C., Ciaranfi R., Cimmino L., Combaret Ch., D’Alessandro R., Durand S., Fehr F., Français V., Garufi F., Gailler L., Labazuy P., Laktineh I., Lénat J.F., Masone V., Miallier D., Mirabito L., Morel L., Mori N., Niess V., Noli P., Pla- Dalmau A., Portal A., Rubinov P., Saracino G., Scarlini E., Strolin P., Vulpescu B. (2015). Joint measurement of the atmospheric muon flux through the Puy de Dôme volcano with plastic scintillators and Resistive Plate Chambers detectors. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth vol.120, 7290-7307, doi:10.1002/2015JB011969.
48. Portal A., Labazuy P., Lénat J.F., Béné S., Boivin P., Busato E., Cârloganu
C., Combaret C., Dupieux P., Fehr F., Gay P., Laktineth I., Miallier D., Mirabito L., Niess V., Vulpescu B. (2013). Inner structure of the Puy de Dˆome volcano: cross- comparison of geophysical models (ERT, gravimetry, muon imaging): Geoscientifc Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems, v. 2, p. 47-54. doi:10.5194/gi-2-47-