Function: Post doctoral research fellow Main Research Unit: LMV – BRGM – LMBP E-mail: |
During her ClerVolc postdoctoral fellowship, Susanne worked with Jean-Claude Thouret (LMV) and Anne Françoise Lao (LMBP) on improving the physical and systemic vulnerability assessment for the city of Arequipa, Peru, in terms of its exposure to volcanic and hydrogeological hazards.
140. Ettinger S., Mounaud L., Magill C., Yao-Lafourcade A-F., Thouret J.C., Manville V., Negulescu C., Zuccaro G., De Gregorio D., Nardone S., Uchuchoque J.A.L., Arguedas A., Macedo L., Llerena N.M. (2016). Building vulnerability to
hydro-geomorphic hazards: Estimating damage probability from qualitative vulnerability assessment using logistic regression. Journal of Hydrology vol.541, p.563-581, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.04.017.
102. Ettinger S., Zeghdoudi M., Manrique Llerena N., Yao-Lafourcade A.-F., Thouret J.C. (2015). L’apport de l’imagerie Pléiades à la cartographie des enjeux et de leur vulnérabilité face aux crues torrentielles : La ville d’Arequipa, Pérou. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection vol.Pléiades Days 2014 (2ème partie), p.73-79, 1768-9791
88. Ettinger S., Manville M., Kruse S., Paris R. (2014). GPR-derived architecture of a lahar-generated fan at Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Geomorphology 213, 225-239. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.01.013.
88. Thouret J.C., Ettinger S., Guitton M., Santoni O., Magill C., Martelli K., Zuccaro G., Revilla V., Charca J.A., Arguedas A. (2014). Assessing physical vulnerability in large cities exposed to flash floods and debris flows: the case of Arequipa (Peru). Natural Hazards vol.73, p.1771-1815, doi:10.1007/s11069-014-