ClerVolc has provided financial support for long-term visits to the Clermont-Ferrand site by several high-level international scientists. The visitors gave seminars, and in several cases short courses lasting one to two days attended by researchers from the different ClerVolc consortium laboratories.

Dr. Elizabeth Cottrell of the Smithsonian Museum, Washington DC, USA – expert in the redox states of magmas and the mantle (2019).

Prof. Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson of the University of Iceland – expert in volcano geophysics (2018).

Prof Michael Higgins of the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada – expert in magmas and crystal size distributions (2017).

Dr. Daniele Pinti of the University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada – expert in the geochemistry of rare gases (2017).

Dr. Peter Lelièvre of the Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada – expert in geophysics (2017)

Dr. Kevin Burton of Durham University, UK – expert in isotope geochemistry (2017).

Dr. Julia Hammer of the University of Hawaii, USA – expert in magmatic processes and crystal growth (2015).

Dr. Mattia de’ Michieli Vitturi of the INGV, Pisa, Italy – expert in the multiphase modelling of volcanic eruptions (2015).

Prof. Greg Valentine of the University of Buffalo, New York, USA – expert in the modelling of volcanic eruptions (2014).