ESF European Network MeMoVolc (2012-2017)
In 2012, ClerVolc scientists initiated and managed a Network of the European Science Foundation (funded at 0.43 million euros over 5 years) called MeMoVolc (Measuring and Modelling of Volcano Eruption Dynamics).
The network involved researchers and students from twenty research institutes and volcanological observatories (France, Italy, Germany, Iceland, Switzerland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden). Over the five years, 10 international scientific workshops, 3 summer schools, and 32 exchange grants for young researchers were funded through MeMoVolc, placing ClerVolc at the very heart of European volcanology.

International Masters in Volcanology and Geotechnics INVOGE: France – US – Italy (2011-2018)
Between 2011 and 2018, ClerVolc scientists led an international Masters programme (UCA – Michigan USA – Milan Italy), which led to many student and lecturer exchanges between the partner institutions and the participation of US students in the LMV Master 2 program.
Exchange program with Canadian universities at Masters and PhD levels (2015-2019)
Between 2015 and 2019, five PhD students and two postdoctoral fellows were financed by an exchange program between the UCA, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver), and the University of British Columbia.

ClerVolc and the Laboratoire Mixte International “Earthquakes and Volcanoes in the Northern Andes” (2013-ongoing)
In early 2013, an agreement of collaboration was signed between the Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), and the National Polytechnic School in Quito, Ecuador. The agreement aimed at:Promoting cross-disciplinary research on recent and active volcanism in the Ecuadorian arc,
Exchange of researchers and teaching mobility between the LMV and IG-EPN in the context of joint scientific research,
Training of Master and PhD students using LMV and ClerVolc facilities in the context of the doctoral programme of Clermont-Auvergne University.
An annual student field workshop on the volcanoes of Italy (2011 – ongoing)

Each year ClerVolc subsidises an eight-day field workshop for its Masters students on the volcanoes of Italy (Campei Flegrei, Vesuvius, Stromboli, Vulcano).

The workshop immerses about fifteen students in the concepts of modern, multidisciplinary volcanology: volcanic hazards and risk in a mega-city environment, processes and products of a caldera-forming eruption, visit to a state-of-the-art volcano observatory, study of an active, erupting volcano, and practice of different geophysical techniques on an active hydrothermal system. Students from many countries, including US, Canada, UK, Spain, Indonesia, and Ecuador, have participated in the workshop.
InVolc: Graduate School of Volcanism in the Terrestrial System (2021-ongoing)
The LabEx ClerVolc is a partner in the newly created Graduate School InVolc, directed by the Ecole OPGC, and financed by the Programme des Investissements d’Avenir. The graduate school covers Masters and post-graduate training programs, with the aim of full internationalization. Initiatives will include teaching in English, international mobility grants, summer schools, internships in laboratoires and the OPGC, and courses by external invitees.