The ClerVolc project brings together expertise and cutting-edge techniques in volcanology, petrology, geochemistry, mathematics, computer science, data management, and meteorology. This allows us to address fundamental questions concerning volcano dynamics, magmatic systems, hazards and risk and, through, interdisciplinary collaborations and innovative new technologies, to develop more sophisticated instrumental capabilities.
The Volcanology Laboratory
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV). The LMV is a joint research unit of Clermont-Auvergne University, the CNRS and the IRD, with about 90 permanent staff and 50 non-permanent personnel (PhD students, postdoctoral fellows). The high international reputation of the LMV is based on its expertise in the study of magmas and volcanoes, with three research groups: :
- Volcanology;
- Experimental petrology;
- Geochemistry.
The LMV has a wide range of instrumental expertise in volcano geophysics and remote sensing (seismic, INSAR, thermal infrared, ultraviolet, DOAS, Doppler Radar, satellite plume tracking, electromagnetism, gravity), analogue and numerical modelling, high-pressure, high-temperature experimentation (including the CNRS national 3-26 GPa multi-anvil press facility), and a wide range of cutting-edge analytical capabilities (Sr, Nd, Pb, Os, U-Th and Ra isotopic systems, electron microprobe, scanning electron microscope, plasma-source ICP AES and ICP MS spectrometers with laser ablation, Fourier Transform Infrared microscope, micro-Raman spectroscopy, multicollector thermal ionisation mass-spectrometers, nuclear-counter spectrometers, gas-sourced mass spectrometer). The LMV is involved in two Masters programs: the Master Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes, Environnement and the Master Géoressources, Géorisques, Géotechnique.
Web site:
The Physics Laboratory
Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont (LPC). The LPC is a joint research unit of Clermont-Auvergne University and the CNRS. There are 144 full-time staff and about 20 PhD students at the LPC. Research expertise lies in the fields of experimental particle physics, astroparticle physics and hadronic physics. Research is performed at large experimental infrastructures, including the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the International Linear Collider, and the ANTARES neutrino telescope, as part of international collaborations. The LPC has expertise in the storage and handling of large amounts of digital data, and it leads the regional ‘Auvergrid’ computing infrastructure. Since 2009, the LPC has collaborated with the LMV, the OPGC and the Institut de Physique Nucléaire in Lyon on a project of volcano tomography using atmospheric muons (TOMUVOL). The LPC intervenes in three Masters programs (Material Science, Microelectronics; Radiation Physics and Technology).
Web site:
The Computer Science Laboratory
Laboratoire d’Informatique, Modélisation, Optimisation (LIMOS). The LIMOS is a research structure belonging to Clermont-Auvergne University and the CNRS. With 73 permanent staff and 70 PhD students, its research focuses on the design of scientific and business-oriented software and their application to the optimization, control and evaluation of complex organisational systems. LIMOS is equipped with a range of high-level computing facilities, signal processing capabilities and hardware design tools. Within ClerVolc, the LIMOS brings expertise in wireless field sensor networks, high-performance computing, geographic information systems, grid computing, and 3D image reconstruction.
Web site:
The Physical Meteorology Laboratory
Laboratoire de Météorologie-Physique (LaMP). The LaMP is a joint research unit of Clermont-Auvergne University and the CNRS. It has 31 permanent personnel and 16 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. Research involves the study of clouds, precipitation, atmospheric aerosol particles, and the transport and chemistry of gaseous and particulate pollutants. Measurements are carried out in-situ on airborne platforms and at surface stations, as well as by ground- and satellite-based remote sensing. It has developed numerical models of cloud evolution combining atmospheric dynamics, cloud microphysics and aerosol particles in three dimensions. The laboratory is responsible for the Masters program in ‘Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere and Climate’.
Web site:
The Mathematics Laboratory
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal (LMBP). The LMBP is a joint research unit of Clermont-Auvergne University and the CNRS. The laboratory comprises 60 permanent personnel and 20 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. Research activities include operator algebra, partial differential equations, numerical analysis and scientific calculus, topology and geometry, mathematical modeling, statistics and probabilities, and number theory. The LMBP coordinates a research masters in mathematics, and a professional masters in mathematics with focus on statistics and data processing. Within ClerVolc the LMBP brings expertise in the development of mathematical models and analyses of data series.
Web site:
The Clermont-Ferrand Earth Physics Observatory
L’Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC). The OPGC belongs to the network of French Earth and Space Science Observatories. It carries out long-term monitoring of natural phenomena, in order to understand processes and to prevent risks. This involves the measurement and processing and storage of data. Services include volcano monitoring, management of the regional seismic network, and atmospheric monitoring The OPGC is the umbrella organization of the LMV and the LaMP. The role of the OPGC within ClerVolc is the collection of time-series observations on volcanic and atmospheric phenomena, data analysis, and construction of freely available web-based databases.
Web site:
Other collaborations through the CAP 20-25 I-Site project
The diverse expertise present within “International Research Centre 4” of the CAP 20-25 project offers ClerVolc scientists a wide range of additional opportunities for collaborations, notably in field of risk and socio-economic vulnerability associated with natural disasters: the LabEx IDGM+ (UCA), the Foundation for Studies and Research on International Development, the Center for Studies and Research on International Development (UCA), the Psychology Laboratory (UCA), the Economics Department (UCA), the Geolab laboratory (UCA), the Institute of Human Sciences (UCA), the Centre Michel de l’Hospital (UCA; legal and political science), and the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (Sciences Po).