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ClerVolc Publications
486. Saitoh, M., Olivier, N., Garçon, M., Boyet, M., Thomazo, C., Alleon, J., Moyen, J-F., Motto-Ros, V., Marin-Carbonne, J. (2021). Metamorphic origin of anastomosing and wavy laminas overprinting putative microbial deposits from the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt). Precambrian Geology.
395. Saitoh M., Nabhan S., Thomazo C., Olivier N., Moyen J.F., Ueno Y., Marin-Carbonne J. (2020). Multiple Sulfur Isotope Records of the 3.222 Ga Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt. Geosciences vol.10, p 145, DOI : 103390/geosciences10040145.
Masafumi SAITOH