Proposal due by December 7th, 2023
ClerVolc invites applications for up to 3 postdoctoral fellow positions in our multidisciplinary research group. Our consortium of 5 laboratories aims at developing fundamental research in volcano science. We tackle a broad range of themes including origin of volcanoes, mantle control of magma sources, role of volatile elements, magmatic and hydrothermal plumbing systems, volcanic plumes, ash clouds, lava flows, and structure and stability of edifices. Proposals involving any aspects of volcano science (geology, petrology, high-P-T experimentation, geochemistry, geophysics, analogical experiments, numerical modelling, remote sensing, mathematics, meteorology, physics, computer science, data science) are of interest, as are developments of new approaches for tackling fundamental questions. Interdisciplinary proposals are not essential, but are encouraged.
ClerVolc invites applications for up to 3 postdoctoral fellow positions in our multidisciplinary research group. Our consortium of 5 laboratories aims at developing fundamental research in volcano science. We tackle a broad range of themes including origin of volcanoes, mantle control of magma sources, role of volatile elements, magmatic and hydrothermal plumbing systems, volcanic plumes, ash clouds, lava flows, and structure and stability of edifices. Proposals involving any aspects of volcano science (geology, petrology, high-P-T experimentation, geochemistry, geophysics, analogical experiments, numerical modelling, remote sensing, mathematics, meteorology, physics, computer science, data science) are of interest, as are developments of new approaches for tackling fundamental questions. Interdisciplinary proposals are not essential, but are encouraged.
Proposals should be written in English and sent as a single pdf file by email to the ClerVolc director ( by December 7th, 2023.
They should consist of
(1) a short CV,
(2) an account of past research (max 3 pages),
(3) a non-exhaustive list of achievements (selected publications, conferences, etc.; max 1 page),
(4) the research proposal (max 4 pages) with attached references and an evaluation of envisaged costs for the planned research,
(5) a short letter of motivation including career plans,
(6) names of two referees that the selection committee may contact directly
(7) a letter of support from one or more members of the ClerVolc partner laboratories and (6) pdfs of three publications.
Candidates must have defended their PhD thesis before the end of 2023. They do not need to speak French. The selection process will take place in January 2024 and attributions will be announced soon after. Contracts can start between May and October 2024.
Contact the ClerVolc Director for any further information:
NB: This call is complementary to another one of our International Research Center of Disaster science and sustainable development (IRC2D) dedicated to Volcanic hazard/risk. Only one project should be submitted and we will eventually redirect it to the most appropriate call.